
A few years ago I was fortunate enough to be involved in a project with a buddy of mine Chris Schwartz. The project, "Transcendence", is a chap book of poetry and artwork that chronicled a mans struggle with religion, faith, and relationships:

This book was penned over the course of two years (2006-2008), and the manuscript, replete with artwork, introduction, and afterword, was put together during another two years (2009-2010). This long process witnessed many twists and turns in the authors' lives, including my decision to join the Baha'i Faith and then move from Philadelphia to the Brussels area in early 2009. The quality of both the poems and the artwork, whose chronological development is not preserved in the order in which they appear herein, reflects much of that process. 

It wasn't until 2011 that Ben and I settled upon licensing the manuscript via Creative Commons and passing it around informally, free of charge, among friends, family, and colleagues, who have been waiting patiently for its release since the writing and drawing process finished in 2008. For those who are not members of our circles, if this book finds its way into your hands or onto your hard disk, we pray that you find it a powerful experience.

Christopher Schwartz, 2011

Download your very own copy: here (
If you can't get the file to open you'll probably need to download Adobe Reader 

Be sure to visit Chris' blog for more insight into the book. Let us know what you think by leaving a crit or comment.


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